My Navy Time 13
Het wapenschild van de Marinekazerne Amsterdam
Wapenschild van de Logistieke School.

Naval Barracks Amsterdam/Logistical School

Posted to the MarineKazerne Amsterdam (MKAD) from February 12, 1979 to June 29, 1987 and assigned to the Logistical School (LOGSCHOOL) there, in charge of the position of instructor Logistical Service Goods Management and curriculum developer. My chief was the Sergeant Major warehouse manager Cor Klein. For me an old acquaintance because he was my very first chief when I was placed with the Mine Service Conservation Service in Den Helder after my initial military formation and professional training. When I was later placed back at the Mine Service after my cadre training, he was again my chief. Later I heard from him that he had brought me to the Logistics School. When I asked him why he had chosen me (because after I left the Mines Service I did not see or speak to him for years), he did not answer my question. Besides, I think that if you are placed in a training program, you have to be good and a good talker. ) He simply said that he had gotten to know me well during those years and after all those years he dared to bring me to the school. That reassured me somewhat. Because in the beginning I did look forward to it and sometimes wondered if I was really suitable for the job. Because being in front of the class took some getting used to and was clearly different from being on board a ship or in the Barracks. You did learn it once in cadre training. That was then for me about sixteen years ago. Included in that training is a week of instructional technology. After that, you're supposed to be able to stand in front of the class. Even though it has been so long since you were trained for it. They're pretty easy about that in the Royal Navy. Besides, I think you have to have it in you to impart knowledge. Perhaps my then chief used to see that in me anyway. Not for nothing was he later called the "Father" of the Warehouse Managers within the Warehouse Management Corps when he went on functional discharge as adjutant.

When I joined the LOGSCHOOL, the instruction team, as far as I still remember, consisted of, in addition to Major Klein, Sergeant Verseveld, Corporals Dik Westerhof and Jan Zandbergen. Later Corporals Siem Smulders, Rinus Cornelissen, John van Voorst, Hans Melkert (who at the time of this writing is LTZA1 at the integrated logistics training in Soesterberg as an intermediary between the various armed forces) were added. There was also a civilian teacher Gerard Otten walking around. He taught technical English and was a real party animal. He was later relieved by Mr. Coffeng, whom we jokingly called "Coffin." He was later relieved again by Tineke Giljam. I still sometimes meet her on the train to or from Amsterdam.

I began teaching initial vocational and advanced (Petty Officer) vocational training. There I taught supply administration for fleet personnel, regulations and Logistics Technical Documentation on the well-known microfiche and Aviation Technical Publications. Later, I also taught Pharmacy Administration at the hospital nurse training course in Overveen. And, after taking some more courses at the NOVI (Dutch Training Institute For Informatica) in Maarssenbroek, I also gave instruction in Basic Computer knowledge.

In mid-1979 I entered a ten-week course in Educational Technology. That course was taught at the School of Business and Education in Den Helder at the Erfprins Barracks. I learned a lot there. Finally a course that was really useful. I am still using what I learned then (at the Fort Island Pampus Foundation, where I am a volunteer guide mentor). Such as guiding and training guides and developing information material.

On November 1, 1979, the designation of our service branch "Warehouse Manager" was changed to "Logistics Service Goods Management." And also changed our service branch badge from a crossed key and feather to a silver (unclipped) anchor.

I have held various positions during my placement at the LOGSCHOOL. Starting with instructor followed by curriculum developer. Later I became chief instructor followed by the position of Chief Bureau of Educational Support (CBOO) my right hand man was then John Rekko (sergeant major). During the latter position, education in the Navy went on the "shovel." A different and more efficient educational model was introduced from the Head of Education in The Hague. All schools within the Navy had to set up their curricula according to that model and our school was the first to get the green light to start doing so. That involved a lot of work, especially for the educational developers at the Education Support Office. I then managed to get my head school to allow John and I to take turns working from home for three days, so that there was always one of the two of us in the office while the other was sitting at home working. Because of this action, our work was finished faster than if we had had to do it all at the office. In fact, we had to write about nine hundred to a thousand learning objectives for the various courses and trainings in our discipline. At one point we also got a foothold at "Topa packaging" in Voorhout who also provided courses on packaging materials, among other things. We arranged with that company that the first vocational and continuing education got a packaging materials course there as part of their training. I became the accompanying man in that. Nowadays that company is located near Lelystad along the A6.

Because I spent, by Navy standards, quite a long time (over eight years) at the LOGSCHOOL, I underwent two promotions there. On July 1, 1983, I was promoted to sergeant major of the Logistics Service Goods Management and on January 1, 1987, I was unexpectedly promoted to adjutant of the Logistics Service Goods Management. The latter was a surprise because in my opinion I was far from having my "turn". In early November 1986 I was suddenly called by the personnel officer with the information that I had to report to the Director of Personnel of the Royal Navy, the Rear Admiral Jhr. H. van Foreest, on December 4 of that year. That was highly unusual at the time. So I was very curious what I would hear there. In the end it turned out that I was not the only one, for on the appointed day nine petty officers showed up at his doorstep. After an animated conversation with coffee and cake, he told us personally that as part of the PID (Policy in Development) project we would be promoted to a higher rank as of January 1, 1987. In my case that would be adjutant. Now of course that was a complete surprise to us. (See also the newspaper article in the box to the right).

During those years I spent at the LOGSCHOOL I also "wore out" a few "bosses." As far as I can remember they were the Lieutenants at sea first class Postma, van Veere, Snelle van Vollenhoven and de Klerck (I hope I wrote his name correctly). There was another one in between whose name I don't remember. I am still in regular contact with Mr. Postma.

During that period, the first female warehouse manager also entered the Navy. That was Yvonne Collé, the daughter of one of our colleagues. At that time, large automation projects were also started within the Navy in the areas of supply and logistics documentation. We were closely involved in that as a school. The materiel logistics courses were represented by me in that, so we could keep our finger on the pulse as a course.

As Chief of the Education Support Office, I had good contacts with the Supply Department of the Materiel Directorate in The Hague. Especially with the Regulatory Affairs Office. At one point I was requested by the then head of the department to write a Supply Manual for the supply officers on board the ships and shore establishments. I then did that with the assistance of Lieutenants at sea third class Annemieke Cazant (trainee) and the then Corporal Dik Westerhof.

All in all, I had a very good and instructive time at the LOGSCHOOL with good memories and fine colleagues. This is still evident during the discipline reunions that are regularly organized. Then the "old" instructors visit each other again and we still have regular contact with each other.

Back in the spring of 1987, I was told by my head of school that I should count on an appointment as a professional services officer effective July 1 of that year. And with me four other colleagues. This surprised me because I had just become adjutant. I hoped that I could then stay on at the LOGSCHOOL as head of the Goods Management course. That was common practice. As long as I was at LOGSCHOOL it was always officers from our own service branch. But that party was cancelled because by that time it was decided by the higher authorities that this position would become a civilian position (it was cheaper) and I was transferred to the Valkenburg Naval Air Base on July 1, 1987 (the day of my appointment).

Images and additional information

(Most images can be enlarged by clicking on them.)

Uitleg wapen van de Marinekazerne Amsterdam.
Uitleg wapen van de Logistieke school.

Explanation of the coat of arms of the MKAD and the Logistical School.

The first three photos are of the first vocational training class with the first female warehouse manager, Yvonne Collé. Next to her are the head instructor Adjutant Cor Klein and the corporal Dik Westerhof.

Photo 2nd row left is a class photo of the Educational Technology course, which was taught at the School of Business and Education at Fort Erfprins in Den Helder. To the right of that photo, Colonel Voet (commander of Naval Barracks Amsterdam) gives a welcome speech during the reopening of the Logistical School after a thorough renovation. The third photo was taken during the start of a tour during a sports day at the Naval Barracks in Amsterdam. The last photo was taken during a reception at the Logistical School, on the left is Dik Westerhof then Cor Klein, next to me followed by Cor Verseveld and Gerard Otten, the English teacher.

Now the reader should not think that we only celebrated at the LOGSCHOOL because, of course, there was also teaching.

Distinguishing sign of the Logistics Service.

On November 1, 1979, the name of our service area "Warehouse Manager" was changed to "Logistics Service Goods Management" (LSGM).

The accompanying batton

On June 6, 1983, I was awarded the silver medal for long, honest and faithful military service for 24 years. (The medal in the middle) With the accompanying batton.

Badge of Distinction sergeant major

On July 1, 1983, I was promoted to sergeant major of the logistics service goods management.

Certificate accompanying the Navy Medal.
Batton belonging to the Naval Medal.

On December 30, 1985, I was awarded the Navy Medal. It is awarded when you have served three years of operational service. With the corresponding batton.

Notice in the Defense Gazette about the first pre-enlistment Petty Officers

On January 1, 1987, to my great surprise, I was suddenly pre-promoted to adjutant of the logistics service goods management

Rank badge of the adjutant
The Naval Sabre

The sabre of the Royal Navy belongs to the ceremonial attire of the adjutant and officers.

Logistical School staff.

The staff of the Logistical School in the early 1980s? (photo obtained via Facebook from Bert Venema)

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