Introduction for my English speaking friends




Sorts of cards







I would like to introduce myself. My name is Agnes Claesen. I am married to Peter and we have a son, Fabian, who has lived with his girlfriend for the last few years.

When he left his parental home we suddenly had a spare bedroom witch I immediately occupied, but not before my husband had converted it in a real hobby-room.

I have enjoyed this marvellous hobby for about four years now and am appreciating the results more and more. The aim of my website is to share my cards with other people and possible to inspire the beginner to card collecting.

 I would appreciate it very much if you would write your comments about the website in the Guestbook and sign it: I can then take on board any useful information and thus improve the website.

If you return to the site and can't find your comments again in the Guestbook don't worry, you wil find them in the Comments file. Otherwise the list of comments would be too long for the Guestbook. Would you like to contact me without using the Guestbook? Than please click here.